Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Tarot - Two Of Swords (First Posted Sept. 21, 2010)

To know wisdom in the suit of swords – also recognized as the “realm of air” and, by another name, as the “world of thought” - is to know how to weigh two thoughts thoroughly against the other.  The thorough weighing of one thought against another comes about through the act of concentrated inner deliberation.

This is the case whether you are weighing two of your own thoughts or one of your own against one from an external source.

As a knower of wisdom in the suit of swords you must be willing to close your eyes and be deeply confronted by the impact of each thought you are in the process of carefully weighing.

Which thought holds the most weight for YOU?  Which thought is the truest for YOU?  Which thought can you grab on to the best and grow in your own imagination?  Which thought can you put wings on and fly?  Which thought is the most alive for YOU?

In order to determine this – for the answer to these questions may be subtle and difficult to grasp –you must be willing to withdraw into a state of absolute quiet.  Assuming an upright balanced pose you must be able to sit with yourself until the still, small voice of wisdom speaks to YOU.

You must be able to use the low wattage of the new moon’s glow to gently illuminate the hidden recesses of your inner self to find your answer.

To be able to truly know your own inner wisdom in the suit of swords, in the realm of air, in the world of thought you must not be afraid to comprehend your own mind.  Nay, on the contrary, the answer to knowing wisdom here is to be able and willing to comprehend and, in your comprehension, to trust.  Wisdom is known here by those who seek it earnestly, pitilessly and unashamedly.

PLEASE NOTE:  This interpretation is based purely on the feelings I experience when I  focus on, and merge with, the images in the card combined with how I understand the Minor Arcana of the Rider-Waite deck dovetails with the Tree of Life in the Qabalah (as taught by Wald and Ruth Ann Amberstone, co-founders of The Tarot School in New York City, NY).

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