To feel mercy (to feel the sensation of a cooling, healing balm coursing throuh your being) in the suit of cups – also recognized as the “realm of water” and, by another name, as the “world of feeling” – is to experience the feeling which accompanies the reality that there is always something more being offered to you. This is always the case even when you can’t see that which is being offered (or even if you refuse to see and/or acknowledge it).
Deeply feeling the truth that the unimaginably vast "unseen” possesses an unlimited amount of potential – which translates to an unlimited amount of opportunities – allows you to experience the balm of mercy coursing through your entire being. This balm contains, and imparts, the subtle attributes of hope and faith as it fills you from head to toe.
Feeling – really feeling - the truth that there is always a new opportunity being presented to you (even when you don’t have your eyes open to see it) can encourage you to start opening your eyes and seeing that everything that happens in your life is happening for you (not to you or against you).
To be confronted by the merciful truth of the Four of Cups is akin to receiving a wake up call. And, once this call is heard (and felt), there is no further excuse to once again close your eyes and become passive or despondant in the face of what you "appear" to possess - or not to possess.
Instead, open your eyes wide and take a good and a fresh look around while keeping in mind that everything that is happening around you is happening for you! Therefore, listen (really listen) to what is being said both to you and around you. Feel (really feel) what your senses are communicating to you about what is happening around you. All this input is rife with information that points to new opportunities if you simply perceive it as being so and - further still - if you will go so far as to prove this merciful truth to yourself by actually acting on one or two of these pointers to experience where they lead you.
Take life in and expect it to take you on a journey of endless potential and possibilities because it will. It can't help but do so because life - the life that is you and all the life that is around you - arises from the unseen field where all potential and possibilities exist. The Four of Cups simply reminds you of this merciful truth and invites you to feel it and be inspired to live from it.
PLEASE NOTE: This interpretation is based purely on the feelings I experience when I focus on, and merge with, the images in the card combined with how I understand the Minor Arcana of the Rider-Waite deck dovetails with the Tree of Life in the Qabalah (as taught by Wald and Ruth Ann Amberstone, co-founders of The Tarot School in New York City, NY).
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