Sunday, 31 July 2011

Rapture (First Posted May 23, 2011)


1. The state of being transported by a lofty emotion; ecstasy.


To take great pleasure; rejoice. Archaic

1. To fill with ecstatic happiness, pleasure, or satisfaction.


An overflowing amount; an outburst; an abundance.

Today, she understood - while experiencing May's green exuberance with her sister/friend - the difference between feeling rapture and feeling joy (both of which, she just noticed as per the definitions above, intersect at ecstasy).

She has long had a bone to pick with the feeling of joy because the feeling of "being filled with happiness, pleasure or satisfaction" - when there is no one to intimately move this infilling through - really, really hurts.  Joy, she is certain, is meant to be shared and, therefore, it hurts to be filled (expanded) with this feeling and then, through lack of an entirely intimate other, be forced to wholly contain it.

She most clearly understood this truth about the painful side of joy when she - being physically swollen with child and even moreso by the infilling of instinctive joy she experienced while being in her most feminine state - did not have (even for one moment) the one person beside her who, all things being equal, was designed to share in her joy.  Her pain in this circumstance was both excruciating and instructive.

On the other hand, the feeling of rapture can be (perhaps, must be) a singular experience precisely because it is a feeling which is transporting in nature.  It "beams an individual up", so to speak, to commune (in a private language) with what ever, or whom ever, one feels is "above".

Today, she also understood - while experiencing May's green exuberance with her sister/friend - that the recent prophecy which predicted the biblical rapture would occur in late May (May 21st, 2011) was, in an overall sense, well-timed for someone living in her part of the world.

She respectfully submits the following:

If a person is not moved to feel (even momentarily) upwardly transported when experiencing the green exuberance of late May in this part of the world, then that same person ____________ 

NOTE TO READER:  She finds she doesn't know how to best finish this thought so she is leaving it up to you to do so, if you wish.

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