Monday, 25 July 2011

Tarot - Two of Cups (First Posted Mar. 6, 2011)

To feel wisdom (to feel the sensation that your mind and heart are acting as one) in the suit of cups – also recognized as the “realm of water” and, by another name, as the “world of feeling” - is to embody and express the truth that wisdom (as well as the power this wisdom imparts) arises through the union-of-opposites.

The most challenging union-of-opposites to fully grasp is Life/Death (even though we intellectually understand we "can’t have one without the other").  Life and Death together make for the full expression of what it is to exist.  They are “one” not “two” and everything we tend to think of as “two (opposites)” are also “one (strand of all the truths woven together to inform our existence)”.

One way to resist embodying the truth of the union-of-opposites – and the raising of its wisdom – is to fear it will lead to a life deficient in the energy that comes from embodying “drama”.  For, of course, real human drama can only arise from embodying the falsehood of opposites.

How else can we individually and/or collectively experience the intense drama of “GOOD” triumphing over “EVIL” (with “evil” being defined by the oft-times fluctuating, sometimes fickle and always vigilant “good”)?  And, please don’t forget “right” over “wrong”?  The same rules apply here exactly.

How else can a human being experience the self-destructive drama of hating him/her self because of being fatally and irrevocably caught on the wrong side of the beauty/ugliness single coin?

Add to this the dramtic potential of fearfully wondering, “How do I behave after I embody the truth of union-of-opposites (non-duality)?  How will I know how to re/act appropriately and what to say and what to do when I have collapsed everything into the middle and no longer experience life in Black and White?"

And, of course (because life is like this), it is only through facing these fears and forging ahead and embodying non-duality in spite of them that ..... lo and behold ......... wisdom arises (having been genuinely summoned by a genuine need for its guidance and insight).

PLEASE NOTE:  This interpretation is based purely on the feelings I experience when I  focus on, and merge with, the images in the card combined with how I understand the Minor Arcana of the Rider-Waite deck dovetails with the Tree of Life in the Qabalah (as taught by Wald and Ruth Ann Amberstone, co-founders of The Tarot School in New York City, NY).

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