According to the astrological blueprint accompanying her birth, only 3 of the 4 elements are present and active in her makeup. Elementally speaking, "the human point of view that is her" is highly endowed with Water, possesses a lively dash of Fire and a goodly, but not large, breath of Air. But (and here's the rub) she does not experience, nor house, nor channel any direct influence from the element of Earth.
One could say - in truthfulness and fairness both - that she has a "structural flaw" in her foundation (see Further Note in blog "Ava - Deepak Chopra and The Number Four") and it is her innate inability to fire on all four elemental cylinders which lies behind her focus on the elements in astrology and in tarot (and, occasionally, in other places where they appear in other guises e.g. the "Four Humors" in ancient Greco-Roman medicine and in some present day “personality tests”).
For years she been working hard to puzzle out for herself the impact that the omission of a direct connection with the element of Earth makes on her self and on the world as she experiences it. What has gradually become clear to her is that on the level of earthbound reality it is hard for her to "call a spade a spade" (and then put it to good use) because, on this specific level, she doesn't actually grasp what a spade is and, therefore, what it is most sensibly (realistically) meant for.
Is this a handicap? Yes. In her opinion, it is. She thinks it is rather like being born without an essential faculty such as sight. But, similar to being born blind, her remaining faculties compensate for her lack and she does some things - mostly arising out of her abundance of water - quite well. And, similar to being born blind it is almost impossible to grasp (from what others describe or from any other way) that which one has no direct knowledge of.
One of the worst aspects of not being able to grasp certain things which are completely obvious to "earthy others" is that she never feels secure enough to act confidently, and unwaveringly, in matters which involve these same certain things.
One could say this lack makes her truly insecure because it is (nearly) impossible for her to stabilize and ground herself in earthbound reality through grasping (and then appreciating) certain "earthy realities". This includes grasping (and then appreciating) certain "earthy realities" about herself. She does not have a firm grasp on (and appreciation of) who she is in earthbound reality terms and therefore she does not know how to best apply herself in practical, realistic ways - the ways designed to advance any person in the earthbound reality aspect of her/his life.
And, to make this matter even more frustrating (to herself and to others), she has been told many useful, "real", practical things about herself over the years by "Earth People" who care about her and sought to lift her out of her mire of 'not knowing'. But, it was only their grasp of her and/or her situation being imparted which does not (or does not ever easily) become her own grasp.
By far, the "Earth People" who have most populated her life are Capricorns of both genders. Indirectly, through the placement of her cluster of planets in Scorpio falling in the 10th house (ruled by Capricorn), she has a "Capricorn vibe" and she works and interacts extremely well with them up to a certain point (basically the point where it is time to grasp, and to act, strictly in earthbound reality terms). It is here where the disconnect can (and often does) occur. (Poor girl. She just don't get it. She can't, in some earthbound reality way, "get real".)
On the other hand, this type of insecurity (flaw) does not make her completely unpredictable, or completely useless or completely impossible to deal with (especially now when she has finally committed to "blooming" on her own terms) it simply means she is, in some earthbound reality way, "unreal". Occasionally, an especially perceptive person will look her directly in the eyes and say, "You're different," without seeming to mean any harm by it.
Maybe it is fair to say (of her), "She doesn't know the war is over." (And, of course to this she replies, "What war?")
Maybe she is considered by some (or by many) to be one of those "curious folk" who are both very smart and very stupid because this may well be the truth of the matter.
In all honestly she believes it is fair to say she is, as she is, both benign and (alas) a potential source of grave disappointment - depending on what's expected from her. That's the trick. She is principled, giving and good-natured (as well as passionately alive) and/but she is all this in a way which jives with the world as she experiences it - a world which lacks the element of concrete, earthbound reality. So, it is entirely possible she will zig (based on a principle which feels right to her) when the practical, expected and "realistic" course of action would be for her to zag.
Anyway ...
Miraculously, thankfully, (maybe) mysteriously and (perhaps, at times) even tragically she somehow seems to get along. Her inner structure is not fortified with Earth but it is coherently, effectively and strongly woven together from 6 parts of Water + 3 parts of Fire + 2 parts of Air.
For years she been working hard to puzzle out for herself the impact that the omission of a direct connection with the element of Earth makes on her self and on the world as she experiences it. What has gradually become clear to her is that on the level of earthbound reality it is hard for her to "call a spade a spade" (and then put it to good use) because, on this specific level, she doesn't actually grasp what a spade is and, therefore, what it is most sensibly (realistically) meant for.
Is this a handicap? Yes. In her opinion, it is. She thinks it is rather like being born without an essential faculty such as sight. But, similar to being born blind, her remaining faculties compensate for her lack and she does some things - mostly arising out of her abundance of water - quite well. And, similar to being born blind it is almost impossible to grasp (from what others describe or from any other way) that which one has no direct knowledge of.
One of the worst aspects of not being able to grasp certain things which are completely obvious to "earthy others" is that she never feels secure enough to act confidently, and unwaveringly, in matters which involve these same certain things.
One could say this lack makes her truly insecure because it is (nearly) impossible for her to stabilize and ground herself in earthbound reality through grasping (and then appreciating) certain "earthy realities". This includes grasping (and then appreciating) certain "earthy realities" about herself. She does not have a firm grasp on (and appreciation of) who she is in earthbound reality terms and therefore she does not know how to best apply herself in practical, realistic ways - the ways designed to advance any person in the earthbound reality aspect of her/his life.
And, to make this matter even more frustrating (to herself and to others), she has been told many useful, "real", practical things about herself over the years by "Earth People" who care about her and sought to lift her out of her mire of 'not knowing'. But, it was only their grasp of her and/or her situation being imparted which does not (or does not ever easily) become her own grasp.
By far, the "Earth People" who have most populated her life are Capricorns of both genders. Indirectly, through the placement of her cluster of planets in Scorpio falling in the 10th house (ruled by Capricorn), she has a "Capricorn vibe" and she works and interacts extremely well with them up to a certain point (basically the point where it is time to grasp, and to act, strictly in earthbound reality terms). It is here where the disconnect can (and often does) occur. (Poor girl. She just don't get it. She can't, in some earthbound reality way, "get real".)
On the other hand, this type of insecurity (flaw) does not make her completely unpredictable, or completely useless or completely impossible to deal with (especially now when she has finally committed to "blooming" on her own terms) it simply means she is, in some earthbound reality way, "unreal". Occasionally, an especially perceptive person will look her directly in the eyes and say, "You're different," without seeming to mean any harm by it.
Maybe it is fair to say (of her), "She doesn't know the war is over." (And, of course to this she replies, "What war?")
Maybe she is considered by some (or by many) to be one of those "curious folk" who are both very smart and very stupid because this may well be the truth of the matter.
In all honestly she believes it is fair to say she is, as she is, both benign and (alas) a potential source of grave disappointment - depending on what's expected from her. That's the trick. She is principled, giving and good-natured (as well as passionately alive) and/but she is all this in a way which jives with the world as she experiences it - a world which lacks the element of concrete, earthbound reality. So, it is entirely possible she will zig (based on a principle which feels right to her) when the practical, expected and "realistic" course of action would be for her to zag.
Anyway ...
Miraculously, thankfully, (maybe) mysteriously and (perhaps, at times) even tragically she somehow seems to get along. Her inner structure is not fortified with Earth but it is coherently, effectively and strongly woven together from 6 parts of Water + 3 parts of Fire + 2 parts of Air.
Focused Penetration (backed by) Idealistic Enthusiasm (backed by) Fair Reasoning
That's what she has to work with and it has to be enough! It is enough! It has taken her a long time but this much, at least, she firmly grasps (and appreciates).
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