Sunday, 31 July 2011

Notice Regarding Blog Illustrations (First Posted May 25, 2011)

Dear Reader,
With very few exceptions I illustrate my blogs.
And - again, with very few exceptions - all of my blog illustrations on this website (and all of my blog illustrations on Blogspot from Feb. - Aug, 2010) are entirely of my own creation.  By this I mean every illustration starts with an image I have taken with my "antique" digital camera, then enchanced with graphics software and then finished by adding text (my titles and/or my haiku verse).   And, when an the illustration is entirely of my own creation I sign it with a small AVA.
I believe it is important (and fair for all concerned) for you to note that if you don't see this small AVA on an illustration you know the visual aspect of that particular illustration is not entirely of my own devising - although all of the text is!
When I run up against a need for an illustration for which I don't possess the right visual ingredients I do look further afield.  For instance, the two pictures I used for the blog "Leo & Scorpio" came about from me combing the Internet and cadging the ones which spoke the loudest to me (and don't these two just holler and shout!). This is also true for both of the birds illustrating the blogs "The Professor" and "Hawk" whereby I started with an image from the Internet and then enhanced it.
I also borrow from my son's ever-growing cache of photographs taken on his extensive business and holiday travels (at the time of writing he is on the very long, very bumpy road from McLeod Gange to New Delhi) which he generously shares with his family.  Two examples of this are the illustrations for the blogs "Judgement Day" (which features a software enhanced version of Worth's photo of an almost eerily ornate cathedral in Barcelona) and "Every Thing Gets Old" (another software enhanced image drawn from Worth's photo of ruins in Athens).
In addition, the blogs which represent my interpretation of the individual cards making up the minor arcana of the tarot  are each illustrated with its corresponding tarot card from the Rider-Waite deck.
You will also find a credited photo portrait of The Open Sesames by photo artist Pam K. being used as part of the illustration for the blog "All The Wheels Were Turning Today".
And, there are two signed "hybrids" in the bunch the first of which is the illustration for the blog "World Naked Gardening Day" (a day which, incidentally, provided lots of laughs at the barber shop).  In this case the flowers are my images and the body parts were scanned from a book I had on hand (no pun intended) entitled "The Body:  Photographs of the Human Form" by William A. Ewing.  The second is the illustration for the blog "To Kindle, Or Not To Kindle" which melds a photo of a Kindle not taken by me with one of my own images.
Lastly (and this only as a point of interest) two blog illustrations i.e,"Post 'Forty Year Cycle' Insight" and "Merwoman Singular" feature my software enhanced photos of figures I created through the process of clay hand-building.
So, right at this moment, you know as much as I do on the topic of illustrations for this blog.  I hope you enjoy each and every one as much as I enjoy coming up with them.
Bye For Now,

PLEASE NOTE:  This blog was originally written to jive with the blogs on The Fiddleguy's website and so doesn't completely line up with the blogs here on "Whistling In The Dark".  But, close enough.

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