Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Tarot - Six of Cups (First Posted Apr. 20, 2011)

To feel beauty (to feel the sensation of pure openness, receptiveness and appreciation) in the suit of cups – also recognized as the “realm of water” and, by another name, as the “world of feeling” – is to deeply feel the pure and simple joy of offering the gift of your honest, unadorned and unguarded feelings (your true feelings) as would a child to another, and having your gift be understood, accepted and appreciated with childlike innocence in return.

The reason this giving and receiving – this exchange - of sincere feelings is a beautiful thing to experience is because, for that moment, you feel connected to this other person.  You haven’t just been intellectually apprehended.  You have been felt and, through this deep level of apprehension, “two become as one”.

Most of the time you live encapsulated inside your own skin where you think your own thoughts, dream your own dreams and feel your own feelings.  This isn't a good thing, or a bad thing,  but it can be accompanied by an occasional (and sometimes a searingly painful) feeling of aloneness.

So, when the all too rare opportunity comes along where you are able to make a true feeling connection with another human being, it leaves its mark.  In fact, you are indelibly marked by the beauty of this exchange for the rest of your life.  It’s as if this moment leaves behind a beautiful perfume and – just when you think the beauty has completely left you, or when you need to be relieved from your impression of being a single, unbreachable entity or, worse still, when you begin to doubt the deep connection you once experienced  – you will catch its scent on the breeze and experience its feeling of beauty once more.

The reason this potent and beautiful exchange between two people is one of feeling (as opposed to one of thoughts, for instance) is because your feelings are charged with the truth of everything you are.  And this, in turn, becomes the reason why the offering - and the receiving - of genuine feeling has to arise out of a childlike innocence and trust for otherwise we would be too guarded (and perhaps even too jaded) to fully enter into the experience.

This is not the sport of "adults".  It is not something that can be manufactured, manipulated or faked.   But, like the all the cards in all four suits of the minor arcana (which are symbolic road maps for reaching thinking, feeling, acting and being truths that we all have the potential to grasp/inhabit on our journey between the cradle and the grave) the "Six of Cups" assures you that the potential for this most beautiful of feelings exists for you and is your birthright.

And, you will suffer no doubt when/if this genuine exchange of true feeling has occurred because you will discover its resulting beauty to be one of your life's touchstones and treasures.

PLEASE NOTE:  This interpretation is based purely on the feelings I experience when I  focus on, and merge with, the images in the card combined with how I understand the Minor Arcana of the Rider-Waite deck dovetails with the Tree of Life in the Qabalah (as taught by Wald and Ruth Ann Amberstone, co-founders of The Tarot School in New York City, NY).

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