Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Open Sesame

On the way to meet her mother for a summer outing (consisting of driving the back roads with the windows rolled down and seeing what they could see) she listened to the The Tarot Immersions by "The Open Sesames" a musical storytelling group for which she was once the writer, vocalist and conceptualist.

Every single one of the 22 pieces on this highly unique collection of chants, spoken word lyrics set to music and instrumentals - representing each of the cards in the major arcana of the tarot - reminded her of both the meaning of the card (as it was designed to do) and of how much she enjoyed being part of its creation or, in the case of most of the instrumentals, its selection.  Artistically speaking she has never experienced a creative process more challenging or more pleasurable.

When Garrick, Stuart and she collaborated artistically on The Tarot Immersions project it felt as natural as breathing.  The 3 of them fell into place along side each other and gave it their best shot.  The ease with which each of the 22 pieces unfolded - and equaled the concept she had for each one in her head - was extremely gratifying and she is so, so, so happy she had this experience.

She particularly treasures the time she and Garrick were holed up in "the dungeon" recording the spoken word lyrics to "XV-The Devil".  She found it hard to get in to at first until she started to broadly mimic the accent of a Berlin cabaret performer.  This was it!  Now, all she had to do was get all the way through the entire set of lyrics "in character" and without breaking down into fits of laughter.  And, by heavens, she did it!  Afterwards she and Garrick enjoyed sharing a bout of unrestrained hilarity.  This is still one of her favourite pieces and definitely one of her favourite memories from this special time in her life.

From day one until the end she loved creating as one of "The Open Sesames".  She loved the combined flow of their creative energy and the surprising material the three of them wrought together.  Her times working in "the dungeon" with Garrick and Stuart were magical and she will never lose her appreciation for them. 

Now, whenever she utters the words, "Open Sesame," it will forever grant her access to a cache of riches stored in her heart which, when weighed against the disillusionment she experienced at the end, seems a fair enough deal to her.

She accepts.

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